Regular snoring can significantly affect your quality of life (and your partner’s).  It can lead to tiredness during the day, difficulty concentrating, headaches and a sore throat when you wake up. It can put significant strain on your relationship with your partner as you both struggle to get a good night’s sleep. Seeing a specialist […]

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Paul Kirkland is happy to see patients with a GP referral. This will save precious time as you won’t need to make an appointment to see your GP first. With many local GP surgeries over-stretched, it’s often difficult to get an appointment to see your doctor when you need to. Therefore, you will see a […]

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11th July 2019

Mole Check

Skin cancer is one of the most common forms of cancer in the world.  You are far more at risk during the summer as it’s caused by UV radiation affecting skin cells.  The most common sign of skin cancer is a new mole or a mole that has changed its shape or colour recently.  If […]

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Patient information is the key to providing a high quality healthcare service. At The ENT Clinic, we strive to provide as much information for our patients as possible. That’s why we have information about all the conditions we treat on our website. We also have information about what to expect if you have been booked […]

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